Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Extract Review

I went in to this one with little knowledge other than it was a Mike Judge film and that Jason Bateman runs an extract company. Naturally people started likening it to Office Space, which I completely agree with, if Office Space were unfunny, boring and pointless. "Anyone seen a pallet of funny around here?"

Let me put it this way, there were 8 people in the theater when the movie started. There were 3 left at the end. One left within the first 15 minutes, two left about halfway, and two more left about two-thirds of the way through. Yes, it was perfectly consistent in it's badness. Although I'm really not sure if bad is the right word. It was as if we were walking by an extract plant, stopped for a few weeks to observe what was happening (not all that much aside from an accidental de-testicling), and then continued on our merry way, completely unaffected by what we saw.

As far as I knew, this was supposed to be a comedy. I've laughed more at baptisms than I did throughout this film. Laugh count: 2 and both in the last 10 minutes. Once was at a name Ben Affleck calls someone and the other is at a bizarre and still massively insignificant twist at the end. Yes, babies getting water poured on their heads is indeed funnier. How can this be written by the same guy who brought us Office Space, Beavis & Butthead and King of the Hill? It seems impossible, especially with all the people in it who we KNOW are funny- JK Simmons, Kristen Wiig, David Koechner, Mila Kunis and the list goes on.

There isn't a whole lot more to say about this. All of the performances are bland, none of the characters are compelling, and neither is the story. Like grass, it's just there. Walk by it and don't think twice because you're really not missing anything.

1 & 1/2 out of 5 Stars

1 comment:

  1. I think Jason Bateman might be the problem, he's the kiss of death on any success for a movie/tv show.

    Or maybe Judge was just in it for the paycheck?
